The Maritime Archaeology Trust Monograph Series (formerly Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology Monograph Series)
The MAT Monograph Series began as the HWTMA monograph series, it was established as a number of HWTMA fieldwork and research projects were approaching publication. The series has to date been used for the publication of a range of HWTMA/ MAT research projects, however, the series is open to publication of any investigations related to the marine and maritime cultural heritage, particularly of the Solent and Wight Areas and on themes where MAT has expertise.
The series is broad in the types of projects and research that it will publish, this could include underwater or inter tidal sites of any type and period, ship or boat remains, catalogues of maritime artefacts, research on maritime themes, industries or infrastructure. Strategic studies will also be appropriate. Volumes are likely to include the presentation of primary research, although inclusion of thematic or summary studies will also be considered.
Any requests to publish suitable material that adds to understanding of the maritime heritage will be welcome, however, projects must have been undertaken to appropriate archaeological standards.
If you are interested in publishing in the Maritime Archaeology Trust series, please contact: