News and Events
2024 Conferences and Events
2024 Conferences and Events
Come say hello and meet us in person at our stand, at one of the upcoming events below:
Annual Egyptology Colloquium - Animal mummies: from beliefs to practice , London, UK,
31 October - 1 November 2024
activateCHAT: Contemporary & Historical Archaeology in Theory Conference 2024, Plymouth, UK,
7-10 November 2024
ASOR Annual Meeting 2024, Boston, USA,
20-23 November 2024
TAG - Theoretical Archaeology Group 45th Annual Meeting, Bournemouth, UK,
13-15 December 2024
Or find our leaflets at one of the upcoming events below:
RCRF - 33rd Congress of the Rei Cretariæ Romanæ Fautores, Leiden, Netherlands,
15-22 September 2024
EASAA - 26th International Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art, Leipzig, Germany,
16-20 September 2024
Islamic Archaeology Conference 2024, Frankfurt, Germany,
7-9 November 2024
ISBSA - 17th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Naples, Italy,
21-25 October 2024
Islamic Archaeology Conference, Frankfurt, Germany,
7-9 November 2024
2024 Past Conferences and Events
SHA - Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology, California, USA,
3-6 January 2024
IMASS - International Shipwreck Conference, Plymouth, UK,
3 February 2024
Current Archaeology Live! 2024 , London, UK,
24 February 2024
The Oxford University Byzantine Society’s 2024 International Graduate Conference, Oxford, UK,
24-25 February 2024
2024 RFG Spring Meeting, Reading, UK,
8-9 March 2024
Islamic Archaeology Day 2024, London, UK,
9 March 2024
Disposal of the Dead in Iron Age, Roman and Early Saxon South-East England, Lewes, UK,
23 March 2024
UKAS, York, UK,
2-5 April 2024
Post-Medieval Archaeology Congress, Swansea, UK,
5-7 April 2024
CAA - Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Auckland, New Zealand,
8-12 April 2024
RAC/TRAC - The Roman Archaeology Conference, London, UK,
8-12 April 2024
SAA - The Society for American Archaeology's 89th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA,
17-21 April 2024
The Prehistoric Society Europa Conference, Edinburgh, UK,
15 June 2024
Hydor Conference - International Aegean Conference XXe Rencontre égéenne internationale, Amsterdam, Netherlands,
11-16 June 2024
ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies Conferences - Trade Routes and Seafaring in the Ancient Near East, Oxford, UK,
15-17 July 2024
British Archaeological Association (BAA) - Annual conference: Roman and Medieval Art, Architecture and Archaeology in Pembrokeshire, Haverfordwest, UK,
15-19 July 2024
EAA 30th Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy,
28-31 August 2024
CRE - Current Research in Egyptology, Liverpool, UK,
2-6 September 2024
AGCA - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christliche Archäologie, Forum Kunst des Mittelalters, Jena, Germany,
2-6 September 2024
BABAO - British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology, Keele, UK,
6-8 September 2024
LIMES Congress - 26th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, Batumi, Georgia,
8-14 September 2024
2023 Conferences and Events
EAA 29th Annual Meeting, Belfast, Northern Ireland
30 August - 2 September 2023
International Congress of Egyptologists, Leiden, Netherlands,
6-11 August 2023
IMC 2023 Bookfair: Networks and Entanglements, Leeds, UK,
3 July - 6 July 2023
SAK - Standing Egyptology Conference, Cologne, Germany,
30 June - 2 July
Europa Conference , Cambridge, UK
2-4 June 2023
SAfA , Rice University, Texas
1-6 June 2023
13th ICANNE , Copenhagen, Denmark
22-26 May 2023
CIfA , Nottingham, UK
19-21 April 2023
SAA , Portland, Oregon
29 March - 2 April 2023

BAR Publishing WINS the IPG PLS Academic and Professional Publisher of the Year award 2022
We are delighted to announce that we have won the IPG PLS Academic and Professional Publisher of the Year award 2022. We attended the award ceremony on the 27th April and had a fantastic day along with all the other independent publishers. Thank you so much to the IPG for a wonderful event. Winning this award is recognition of what the BAR team has achieved and acknowledges the particularly special community built up around author, publisher and libraries.
For more information about the IPG award please click here.
“It’s a properly independent and well-run business that has mastered its niche,” said the judges.

2022 Conferences and Events
EAA, Edinburgh, UK,
15-17 December 2022 Please meet us in person at our stand
EAA, Budapest, Hungary,
31 August - 3 September 2022 Please meet us in person at our stand
LIMES, Nijmegend, NL,
21-27 August 2022 Please meet us in person at our stand
WAC-9, Oxford, UK,
09-11 August 2022 Please meet us in person at our stand
WAC-9, Prague, Czech Republic, Slovakia
03-08 July 2022
International Medieval Congress 2022, Leeds, UK
4-7 July 2022
Europa Conference 2022, Bournemouth, UK
17-19 June 2022 Please meet us in person at our stand
SAA 87th Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA
30 March – 3 April 2022
BAR OA Award 2021
Winner Announcement

Katie Campbell
for her proposal
Cities and the Mongol Conquest
Urban Change in Central Asia from 1200-1400 AD
This work looks beyond the historical narrative of the Mongol Conquest itself to identify and consider long-term urban changes from the 12th to the end of the 14th century. The archaeological examination of urban change in the cites of Otrar, Kazakhstan, Barda, Azerbaijan, and Merv, Turkmenistan, challenges accepted narratives of traumatic conquests and Mongol destruction and slaughter in Central Asia. Detailed archaeological analyses found no evidence of cities razed or populations slaughtered. The lack of archaeological evidence for destruction attributable to intentional human actions in the conquest period does not correlate with historical reports of widespread devastation. Instead, the evidence demonstrates shifting occupation patterns and a complexity in urban dynamics that have not previously been recognised. This innovative work will be of widespread interest to archaeologists and historians across the region and further afield.
We aim to publish before the end of 2022.
Alessia Frassani
Mesoamerican Codices
Calendrical Knowledge and Ritual Practice in Indigenous Religion and History.
This promises to be an interesting and important study bringing together the ancient traditions of the Mesoamericans with the modern world. It translates, records, and transcribes ceremonies, chants, prayers, using ancient imagery, pre-colonial manuscripts, colonial text, rock art, imagery, rituals in order to reinterpret them as seen by its own people. The multidisciplinary study of history, archaeology, anthropology, mysticism and more, presented in text, images and audio makes Frassani’s work a unique type of study that successfully put the culture, history, and beliefs of the Mazatec’ indigenous people in a position to challenge the misinterpretation of colonial accounts.
Thank you to all entrants who submitted their work. The number, quality and diversity of projects was exciting, and we hope to continue to work with many of the authors.
Thanks also to our judging panel – Timothy Darvill, Hatoon al Fassi, Cat Jarman, Innocent Pikarayi, Claire Smith.
If you would like to know more about BAR Open Access programme please contact Editor-in-Chief, Jacqueline Senior (
Download the BAR OA Award Winner Announcement here.
BAR Publishing is delighted to announce that Neolithic and Bronze Age Funerary and Ritual Practices in Wales, 3600–1200 BC by Geneviève Tellier was nominated for the 2020 Current Archaeology Book of the Year award.
Posted 23.01.20
BAR was delighted to sponsor the awards at the 2019 conferences below:
Best presentation award and best poster award
Graduate Archaeology at Oxford (GAO) Annual International Conference, Ioannou Centre, Oxford, UK, 11-12 March 2019
Sponsor of the Archaeologist of the Year award
Current Archaeology LIVE (CAL), Senate House, London, UK, 8-9 March 2019
Society for American Archaeology student paper award prize
The Society for American Archaeology's 84th Annual Meeting (SAA), Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 10-14 April 2019
Poster award
Early Medieval Archaeology Student Symposium - EMASS , Durham and Newcastle, UK, 11-13 April 2019
Winner of the BAR-sponsored poster prize at EMASS 2019
Many congratulations to Vanessa Reid of Durham University who won the BAR-sponsored poster prize at the Early Medieval Archaeology Student Symposium, that took place at the universities of Durham and Newcastle on the 11-13 April 2019.
Posted 15.04.19
BAR exhibits at the 2019 Maritime Archaeology Graduate Symposium
Thank you to all of the organisers at the Maritime Archaeology Graduate Symposium (MAGS) that took place at the University of Southampton on the 29–31 March 2019. Here’s our Director, Birgit Thaller, at our stand ready to meet the delegates.
Posted 14.04.19
BAR author Simon Elliott appears on Channel 5’s programme ‘London: 2000 Years Of History’
BAR author Simon Elliott, who wrote B638 ‘Ragstone to Riches: Imperial Estates, metalla and the Roman military in the south east of Britain during the occupation’, talks about ragstone quarrying in London on Channel 5’s programme ‘ London: 2000 Years Of History’, that was aired on Tuesday 5th March 2019. To see the programme please click here (Simon features 25 minutes in).
Posted 12.03.19
Article on BAR S2911, by Omar Romero de la Osa Fernández, published in Diario de Huelva
On 9th March 2019, an article on 'Arquitectura religiosa en el espacio rural del Reino de Sevilla’ was published in Diario de Huelva. To read the article, please click here.
Posted 10.03.19
Presentation of new BAR S2916 ‘Antro delle gallerie, indagini di archeologia mineraria in Valganna (Varese)’ by Amedeo Gambini
On Wednesday 27th February 2019, Maria Antonietta Breda and Gianluca Padovan, along with Amedeo Gambini and Alfredo Spaggiari, held a presentation for Amedeo Gambini’s new book S2916 ‘Antro delle gallerie, indagini di archeologia mineraria in Valganna (Varese)’ at the Urban Centre Milano. The presentation also discussed S1599 ‘Italian Cadastre of Artificial Cavities Part 1’, which is the first book in the Hypogean Archaeology sub-series. A film of the event can be viewed by visiting the milanourbancenter Facebook page. An article, edited by Ippolito Edmondo Ferrario, about the event, is also shown on the milanounderground website.
Posted 08.03.19
On the 23rd February 2019, Noemí Raposo gave an interview for the newspaper ‘Huelva Buenas Noticias’ about her new book, La delimitación de los espacios públicos en Pompeya, which presents an unprecedented study of the public spaces in Pompeii. To read the interview please click here.
Posted 26.02.19
Presentation for Patrimonio Culturale, Paesaggi e Personaggi dell'altopiano ibleo (BAR S2874)
On the 28th December 2018, Santino Alessandro Cugno presented his book, Patrimonio Culturale, Paesaggi e Personaggi dell'altopiano ibleo (BAR S2874), with the collaboration of the Municipality of Canicattini Bagni, the Società Siracusana di Storia Patria and the Foundation Agnello.
Posted 29.12.18
40th Theoretical Archaeology Group conference
Our Director, Birgit Thaller, had a great time exhibiting at the 40th Theoretical Archaeology Group conference, on the 17th – 19th December 2018 at the University of Chester – our last conference of 2018! Many congratulations to Alan Hitchen, the lucky winner of the BAR prize draw, who won a £75 BAR book voucher.
Posted 20.12.18
Presentations for latest volumes in the Hypogean Archaeology: Research and Documentation of Underground Structures sub-series
Presentations of the two latest volumes in the Hypogean Archaeology: Research and Documentation of Underground Structures sub-series took place in 2018. Le acque del passato: opere idrauliche dall’antichità al XX secolo (BAR S2907) Edited by Sara Fumagalli and Gianluca Padovan and Archeologia dell’Acqua Potabile a Milano (BAR S2894) by Maria Antonietta Breda and Gianluca Padovan were discussed at the Dragonesse, monumenti e acque del passato a Milano conference on the 30th November 2018 at the Urban Center Milano (Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II) and at the Il Sottosuolo Della Città conference on the 12th December 2018 at the presso la Centrale dell’acqua.
Posted 13.12.18
Book Launch for 'Multi-period Occupation at Football Field, Worth Matravers, Dorset: Excavations 2006–2011', BAR No B643
We were delighted to hear from Lilian Ladle that the launch of her new book, Multi-period Occupation at Football Field, Worth Matravers, Dorset: Excavations 2006–2011 (BAR No B643), was a great success. The book launch took place at the Worth Matravers Archaeological Excavation: Life, Death and Feasting, 5,600 Years of Occupation conference on the 1st December 2018 at the Dorford Centre in Dorchester.

Posted 02.12.18
November 2018 publications
- A GIS-based Analysis of Hillfort Location and Morphology by Jessica Murray
- La delimitación de los espacios públicos en Pompeya by Noemí Raposo Gutiérrez
- Brazaletes de piedra neolíticos en la península ibérica (VI–V milenio a.C.): Tecnología, funcionalidad y circulación by Francisco Martínez-Sevilla
- Genre et hiérarchisation dans le monde nord-alpin, aux âges du Bronze et du Fer by Caroline Trémeaud
- Arquitectura religiosa en el espacio rural del Reino de Sevilla: Análisis edilicio, constructivo y estructural en la Sierra de Aracena durante los siglos XIII–XV by Omar Romero de la Osa Fernández
Posted 30.11.2018
Council for British Archaeology (CBA), Wessex - 60th Anniversary Conference
Our Director, Birgit Thaller, had a very enjoyable and lively weekend exhibiting at the Council for British Archaeology (CBA), Wessex - 60th Anniversary Conference, at the University of Southampton on Saturday 3rd November 2018. Many congratulations to the winner of our BAR Prize draw, presented by Phil Harding, who won a £50 BAR book voucher!
Posted 08.11.18
October 2018 publications
- Multi-period Occupation at Football Field, Worth Matravers, Dorset: Excavations 2006–2011 by Lilian Ladle
- Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Ancient Maya Underworld: Exploring the rise and fall of Maya centres in central Belize from the cave context by Shawn Gregory Morton
- The Domus del Ninfeo at Ostia (III, VI, 1-3): Structure, Function and Social Context by Alessandra Batty
- The Zooarchaeology of the Late Neolithic Strymon River Valley: The case of the Greek sector of Promachon-Topolnica in Macedonia, Greece by George Kazantzis
- Le acque del passato: opere idrauliche dall’antichità al XX secolo: IV Congresso di Archeologia del Sottosuolo Edited by Sara Fumagalli and Gianluca Padovan
Posted 31.10.18
September 2018 publications
- Neolithic and Bronze Age Funerary and Ritual Practices in Wales, 3600–1200 BC by Geneviève Tellier
- Amenemhat IV and the End of the Twelfth Dynasty: Between the End and the Beginning by Stefania Pignattari
- The Human Occupation of the Southern Central Pyrenees in the Sixth–Third Millennia cal BC: A traceological analysis of flaked stone assemblages by Niccolò Mazzucco
Posted 30/09/2018
BAR author, Maria Duggan, appears in BBC Two documentary ‘King Arthur’s Britain: The Truth Unearthed’
Maria Duggan appeared in a BBC Two documentary, 'King Arthur’s Britain: The Truth Unearthed’, on Sunday 16th September 2018. Maria was filmed showing the presenter, Alice Roberts, the imported pottery from the new excavation at Tintagel in Cornwall. The ceramics are the subject of Maria’s new book, Links to Late Antiquity: Ceramic exchange and contacts on the Atlantic Seaboard in the 5th to 7th centuries AD where she discusses the British finds within a wider Atlantic perspective.
Posted 17.09.18
20th annual British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology (BABAO)
We very much enjoyed exhibiting at the 20th annual British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology conference that took place at Cranfield University this weekend where we displayed a selection of our Osteoarchaeology titles including the proceedings of several former BABAO conferences (please click here for further information).
Posted 17.09.18
August 2018 publications
- Sailing to the Holy Land: Crusader Ships, Seamanship, Logistics and Landing Operations by Dan Mirkin
- Poblamiento ibérico (ss V-III a.n.e.) en el sureste de la península ibérica: Nuevos datos para el estudio a través de la arqueología del paisaje by Francisco Ramos Martínez
Posted 31/08/2018
July 2018 publications
- A Zooarchaeological Study of the Haimenkou Site, Yunnan Province, China by Juan Wang
- Coinage in the Northumbrian Landscape and Economy, c.575–c.867 by Tony Abramson
Posted 31/07/2018
June 2018 publications
- Iron Age Fen-Edge Settlement at Black Horse Farm, Sawtry, Cambridgeshire by Andrew A. S. Newton
- Links to Late Antiquity: Ceramic exchange and contacts on the Atlantic Seaboard in the 5th to 7th centuries AD by Maria Duggan
- Ragstone to Riches: Imperial Estates, metalla and the Roman military in the south east of Britain during the occupation by Simon Elliott
- Mucho más que barcos: Una aproximación teórica a las funciones, capacidades náuticas, bases materiales y dimensión social de la tecnología naval prehistórica by Julián Moyano Di Carlo
Posted 29/06/2018
May 2018 publications
- Creating Society and Constructing the Past: Social Change in the Thames Valley from the Late Bronze Age to the Middle Iron Age by Alex Davies
- La parure en coquille à Sayula, Occident du Mexique: Approche techno-stylistique et rôle dans la dynamique socioculturelle entre 450 et 1000 apr. J.-C. by Elodie Mas
- Maya Ceramic Technology and Ceramic Socio-economy: A multifaceted analysis of Late Postclassic ceramic production and distribution in Northern Yucatán, México by Carmen Giomar Sánchez Fortoul
- The Zeebrugge Shipwreck: A forgotten early sixteenth-century merchantman discovered off the Belgian coast by Hendrik Lettany
- Art et archéologie du Proche-Orient hellénistique et romain: Les circulations artistiques entre Orient et Occident: Actes de la journée d’études du 11 mai 2017, Institut Catholique de Paris Edited by Caroline Arnould-Béhar and Véronique Vassal
- Il piombo dell’imperatore: relitto di Rena Maiore e le miniere del princeps in età augustea by Stefano Genovesi
Posted 31/05/2018
April 2018 publications
- Industry and the Making of a Rural Landscape: Iron and pottery production at Churchills Farm, Hemyock, Devon Edited by Chris Smart
- La Necropoli di Capestrano, I: Scavi d’Ercole 2003–2009 by Vincenzo d’Ercole, Valeria Acconcia and Deneb Cesana
- Archeologia dell’Acqua Potabile a Milano: Dagli antichi pozzi ordinari al moderno sistema di acquedotto urbano by Maria Antonietta Breda and Gianluca Padovan
- Arqueología de los paisajes forestales del norte de Mendoza, centro-oeste Argentina (siglos VIII–XIX by Luis E. Mafferra
Posted 30/04/2018
Presentation of S2884 at the 17th International Aegean Conference
Congratulations to volume editors, Giorgia Baldacci and Ilaria Caloi, for a wonderful presentation of their book BAR S2884, Rhadamanthys: Studi di archeologia minoica in onore di Filippo Carinci per il suo 70° compleanno/Studies in Minoan archaeology in honour of Filippo Carinci on the occasion of his 70th birthday, on Friday 20th April 2018 during the 17th International Aegean Conference, at the University of Venice in Italy.
Giorgia Baldacci is pictured here reading a message on behalf of the volume editors
Posted 24.04.18
11th ICAANE (International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East)
We had a wonderful time this week exhibiting at the 11th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East at LMU Munich. We were delighted to see many BAR authors and Frank Hole and Yukiko Tonoike are shown here with their book, BAR S2827 Homesteads on the Khabur: Tell Ziyadeh and Other Settlements.
Posted 10.04.18
March 2018 publications
- Archaeozoological Analysis of the Fortified Settlement of Sand (10th Century AD, Lower Austria): Early Medieval faunal remains from Sand an der Thaya by Konstantina Saliari
- Interchange in Pre- and Protohistory: Case Studies in Iberia, Romania, Turkey and Israel Edited by Ana Cruz and Juan F. Gibaja
- La statio romana de Mas Gusó: Vigilancia y control del territorio de Ampurias, Hispania Citerior, desde el siglo II a.C. al siglo III d.C. Estructura, secuencias e interpretación by Josep Casas, Josep Mª Nolla and Victòria Soler
- Tecniche di rilevamento e metodi di rappresentazione per l’Architettura Rupestre: Il Monastero Benedettino di Subiaco by Andrea Angelini
Posted 30.03.2018
Interview on BBC Radio Orkney with BAR author, Rebecca Crozier
Rebecca Crozier has given an interview with BBC Radio Orkney about her new book in the BAR British Series A Taphonomic Approach to the Re-analysis of the Human Remains from the Neolithic Chamber Tomb of Quanterness, Orkney and the significant finds that have been discovered.
Click here to read the news story on the BBC news website.
Click here to hear the interview on BBC Radio Orkney (at 24'01").
Posted 27.03.18
46th Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology conference
We have had a busy few weeks exhibiting at the CAL, LAMAS and GAO conferences and we are looking forward to exhibiting at the 46th Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology conference next week at the University of Tübingen where titles in the CAA series will be on display as well as other computing and quantitative method titles. If you are attending, please do stop by our stand to browse through our titles where 40% discount will be on offer.
Posted 15.03.18
February 2018 publications
- A Taphonomic Approach to the Re-analysis of the Human Remains from the Neolithic Chamber Tomb of Quanterness, Orkney by Rebecca Crozier
- Digging for Words: Archaeolinguistic case studies from the XV Nordic TAG Conference held at the University of Copenhagen, 16–18 April 2015 Edited by Rune Iversen and Guus Kroonen
- Culturas en contacto: conflicto, asimilación e intercambio: Proceedings of the Third Postgraduate Conference in Studies of Antiquity and Middle Ages, Autonomous University of Barcelona, 23–25th November 2016 Edited by Núria Pacheco Catalán, Ignacio Díaz Sierra, Marina Fernández Monterrubio, Isaac Lampurlanés Farré, Ariadna Martínez Guimerà, Marc Mendoza Sanahuja, Manel Pica Torné, Montserrat Rovira Rafecas and David Vázquez Ruiz
- Le fortificazioni di Iasos di Caria: Rilievi e analisi architettoniche by Michele Cornieti
- Gli incroci pericolosi: Storia e Archeologia della Strada di Fiandra in Italia e Savoia. 1561–1659 by Giovanni Cerino Badone
Posted 28.02.2018
Presentation at the Instituto Alicantino de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert
We send our congratulations to, Juan Antonio Mira Rico, for a wonderful presentation of Management Analysis of Municipal Castles in the Province of Alicante (Spain) at the Instituto Alicantino de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert on the 6th February 2018.
Along with Juan Antonio Mira Rico, the speakers at the presentation were Dr. Joan Borja i Sanz (Director of the Instituto Alicantino de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert Publications and Research Department) and Dr. Rafael Azuar Ruiz (pictured here).
Posted 09.02.18
January 2018 publications
- The Outcast Dead: Historical and archaeological evidence for the effect of the New Poor Law on the health and diet of London’s post-medieval poor by Brittney K. Shields Wilford
- Rhadamanthys: Studi di archeologia minoica in onore di Filippo Carinci per il suo 70° compleanno/Studies in Minoan archaeology in honour of Filippo Carinci on the occasion of his 70th birthday Edited by Giorgia Baldacci and Ilaria Caloi
- Un approccio integrato al problema della ricostruzione della viabilità romana in Sicilia: La via Catania-Agrigento by Marco Sfacteria
Posted 31.01.18
The Maritime Archaeology Graduate Symposium- MAGS
We are delighted to be exhibiting at Ioannou Centre, University of Oxford on Saturday 3rd February 2018 at the Maritime Archaeology Graduate Symposium. If you are attending please do stop by our stand in the atrium of the centre.
Posted 24.01.18
December 2017 publications
- Romans in the Middle and Lower Danube Valley, 1st century BC–5th century AD: Case Studies in Archaeology, Epigraphy and History Edited by Eric C. De Sena and Calin Timoc
- Le site de Bey-144: Fouilles et étude de la céramique (période hellénistique – début de l'ère romaine) by Dina Frangié-Joly
- Géoarchéologie de la transition Pléistocène-Holocène dans le nord-est pampéen (Buenos Aires, Argentine): Révision historique, stratigraphique et taphonomique. Perspectives pour le peuplement pré-LGM, Volumes I and II by Marcelo Javier Toledo
Posted 29.12.17
November 2017 publications
- Health Among the Maya: An osteoarchaeological comparison of sites in the northern Three Rivers Region, Belize by Hannah Plumer
- Recorded Places, Experienced Places: The Holocene rock art of the Iberian Atlantic north-west Edited by Ana M. S. Bettencourt, Manuel Santos Estevez, Hugo A. Sampaio and Daniela Cardoso
- Messina 1860–1943: Storia e Archeologia Militare di una piazzaforte contesa by Armando Donato
- Vida y muerte en el asentamiento del Neolítico Antiguo de El Prado (Pancorbo, Burgos): Construyendo el Neolítico en la Península Ibérica Edited by Carmen Alonso-Fernández
- Espacio gráfico, visibilidad y tránsito cavernario / Graphic Space, Visibility and Cave Transit: El uso de las cavidades con arte paleolítico en la Región Cantábrica / The use of caves with Palaeolithic art in the Cantabrian region by Blanca Ochoa
Posted 30.11.17
Nautical Archaeology Society
We were exhibiting at the Nautical Archaeology Society conference this weekend at the University of Portsmouth where the titles in the Nautical Archaeology Society Monograph Series were on display as well as many other maritime and underwater archaeology titles. Thank you to the organisers for such an interesting conference.
Posted 21.11.17
A Millennium: Settlement, Landscape and Society, 500 BC to 500 AD
We are exhibiting at Rewley House, at the Department for Continuing Education, University of Oxford on Saturday 2nd December 2017 where the course ‘A Millennium: Settlement, Landscape and Society, 500 BC to 500 AD’ is taking place.
Oxford University through its Department for Continuing Education offers frequent opportunities for learning and training in Archaeology, please click here for further details.
Posted 10.11.17
Nautical Archaeology Society
If you are attending the Nautical Archaeology Society conference in Portsmouth on the 18–19 November 2017 do stop by our stand to browse through our titles and take advantage of our 40% conference discount.
Posted 09.11.17
October 2017 publications
- Persepolis West (Fars, Iran): Report on the field work carried out by the Iranian-Italian Joint Archaeological Mission in 2008–2009 by Alireza Askari Chaverdi and Pierfrancesco Callieri
- Punctuated Insularity: The Archaeology of 4th and 3rd Millennium Sardinia by Gary Webster and Maud Webster
- Catalogo degli Ushabti del Museo Egizio di Firenze, Volume II: Nuovo Regno (Seconda Parte) by Giacomo Cavillier
- L’industrie lithique des populations blicquiennes (Néolithique ancien, Belgique) : organisation des productions et réseaux de diffusion: Petits échanges en famille by Solène Denis
- Patrimonio Culturale, Paesaggi e Personaggi dell'altopiano ibleo: Scritti di archeologia e museologia della Sicilia sud-orientale by Santino Alessandro Cugno con il contributo di Ray Bondin, Franco Dell’Aquila, Iorga Ivano Prato, Paolo Daniele Scirpo e la prefazione di Lorenzo Guzzardi
Posted 30.10.17
Scythians and early nomads from Siberia to the Black Sea
We are exhibiting at the Scythians and early nomads from Siberia to the Black Sea conference today until the 29th October at the British Museum.
Posted 27.10.17
Frankfurt Book Fair
Our director, Birgit Thaller is busy at the Frankfurt Book Fair this week meeting many of our international agents and booksellers at our stand G72 in Hall 4.2.
Posted 12.10.17
3rd International Conference on the Solutrean 2017
We are proud to support the 3rd International Conference on the Solutrean 2017 that is taking place this week at the Universidade do Algarve in Portugal. A selection of BARs are on display such as Solutrean Points of the Iberian Peninsula: Tool making and using behaviour of hunter-gatherers during the Last Glacial Maximum by Isabell Schmidt and a special 25% BAR conference discount is available for all of the delegates.
Posted 12.10.17
September 2017 publications
- Fishing and Managing the Trent in the Medieval Period (7th–14th Century): Excavations at Hemington Quarry (1998–2000), Castle Donington, UK by Lynden P. Cooper and Susan Ripper with contributions by Matt Beamish, Jennifer Browning, Nicholas J. Cooper, Robert Howard, Patrick Marsden, Angela Monckton, Anita Radini and Deborah Sawday
- Las poblaciones de la Prehistoria reciente (VIº - IIº milenio a.n.e.) en la Campiña Litoral y Banda Atlántica de Cádiz: Un análisis a través de la Antropología Física y la Arqueología by Adolfo Moreno-Márquez
- Management Analysis of Municipal Castles in the Province of Alicante (Spain) by Juan Antonio Mira Rico
- Archaeological Approaches to Breaking Boundaries: Interaction, Integration and Division: Proceedings of the Graduate Archaeology at Oxford Conferences 2015–2016 Edited by Rebecca O'Sullivan, Christina Marini and Julia Binnberg
Posted 9.10.17
The Bountiful Sea: Fish processing and consumption in Mediterranean antiquity conference
We very much enjoyed attending The Bountiful Sea conference at the Taylor Institution in Oxford on the 6-8 September 2017.
Posted 11.9.17
August 2017 publications
Investigating Restricted Knowledge in Lithic Craft Traditions among the Pre-contact Coast Salish of the Pacific Northwest Coast of North America by Adam N. Rorabaugh
- Analisi tecnologica e funzionale dell'industria in pietra non scheggiata del Neolitico medio dell’Italia settentrionale: Tre casi studio dell'area veneta by Anna Lunardi
- Sailing Rock Art Boats: A reassessment of seafaring abilities in Bronze Age Scandinavia and the introduction of the sail in the North by Boel Bengtsson
- Storie di paesaggi e uomini alle pendici del Mont Fallère nell’Olocene antico e medio (Saint-Pierre, Valle d'Aosta, Italia) Edited by Luca V.M. Raiteri
- Early Bronze Age Round Barrows of the Anglo-Welsh Border by Neal Johnson
Posted 6.9.17
European Association of Archaeologists Conference
We recently attended the European Association of Archaeologists conference in Maastricht on the 30 August–3 September 2017 where we exhibited our titles and met many of the delegates. Many congratulations to the winners of the BAR Publishing prize draw: Zsófia Rácz (1st prize, winning a BAR Publishing book voucher), Eloísa Ferratges Kwekel (2nd prize winner), Else Meyerink, (3rd prize winner). We hope that you enjoyed your prizes.
Posted 4.9.17
Ständige Ägyptologenkonferenz
In July we also travelled to Göttingen University to exhibit at the Ständige Ägyptologenkonferenz. The lucky winners of the BAR Publishing prize draw were Ursula Selzer (1st prize winner), Carolin Dingeldein (2nd prize winner) and Gerhard Kuhnel (3rd prize winner).
Posted 17.7.17
International Medieval Congress 2017
Thank you to everyone who visited our stand at the amazing International Medieval Congress in Leeds. We had a busy 4 days and it was wonderful to meet so many delegates.
Posted 8.7.17
International Association for Research on Pottery on the Hellenistic Period conference
We had a great time exhibiting at the International Association for Research on Pottery on the Hellenistic Period conference in the beautiful town of Kaštela in Croatia.
Thank you very much to the conference organisers for your wonderful hospitality.
Posted 5.6.17
May 2017 publications
- Archaeological Survey and Excavations at Mikindani, Southern Tanzania: Finding Their Place in the Swahili World by Matthew Pawlowicz
- Ancient Settlement Patterns in the Area of Aksum (Tigray, Northern Ethiopia) – Ca. 900 BCE–800/850 CE by Luisa Sernicola
- Early Microlithic Technologies and Behavioural Variability in Southern Africa and South Asia by Laura Lewis
- The Akko Marina Archaeological Project by Ehud Galili with contributions by Gerald Finkielsztejn, Zaraza Friedman, Liora Kolska Horwitz, Yaacov Kahanov, Robert Kool, Baruch Rosen, Jacob Sharvit, Na’ama Silberstein, Dov Zviely and a foreword by David Jacoby
- The Place-name Kingston and Royal Power in Middle Anglo-Saxon England: Patterns, possibilities and purpose by Jill Bourne
- Ad Vallum: Papers on the Roman Army and Frontiers in Celebration of Dr Brian Dobson Edited By Adam Parker
Posted 30.5.17
A presentation of BAR S2847
Many congratulations to Fernando Rodriguez Del Cueto who recently held a presentation about his new book, BAR S2847, Arquitectura, urbanismo y espacios domésticos en “El Castro”, Pendia (Asturias, España). Siglos IV a. C.–II d. C. at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Campus del Milán on the 3rd May 2017.
Posted 14.5.17
April 2017 publications
- Materia y acción en las catedrales medievales (ss. IX-XIII) / Material and Action in European Cathedrals (9th-13th centuries): Construir, decorar, celebrar / Building, decorating, celebrating Edited by Gerardo Boto Varela and César García de Castro Valdés
- Patrimonio tangible e intangible mexicano: una reflexión Edited by Juan García Targa and Geiser Gerardo Martín Medina
- Sémiologie du temple maya: Contribution à l’archéologie des centres cérémoniels des Basses Terres méso-américaines (200/900 ap. J.-C.) by Aliénor Letouzé
- The Minnesota Pylos Project, 1990–98 Edited by Frederick A. Cooper and Diane Fortenberry
- Excavations at Kranka Dada: An Examination of Daily Life, Trade, and Ritual in the Bono Manso Region by Anne M. Compton
- Animaltown: Beasts in Medieval Urban Space Edited by Alice M. Choyke and Gerhard Jaritz
Posted 20.4.17
March 2017 publications
- Excavations at Francavilla Marittima 1991–2004 by Marianne Kleibrink
The Archaeology of the Roman Rural Economy in the Central Balkan Provinces by Olivera Ilić
- El proceso de urbanización de la Meseta Norte en la Protohistoria y la Antigüedad: la ciudad celtibérica y romana de Termes (s. VI a.C.–193 p.C.) by Santiago Martínez Caballero
Il caso studio delle necropoli longobarde in area danubiana by Federica Codromaz
- Entangled Identities and Otherness in Late Antique and Early Medieval Europe edited by Jorge López Quiroga, Michel Kazanski and Vujadin Ivanišević
Posted 5.4.17
27th Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference
We were delighted to attend the 27th Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference at the University of Durham.

BAR author Sergio González Sánchez and Birgit with the winner of the BAR prize draw, Dr Matthew Mandich.
Posted 3.4.17
82nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA)
We had a busy few days at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Vancouver.
Posted 31.3.17
London Book Fair
Birgit had a very busy few days at London Book Fair, which is always a great event in the publishing calendar.
Posted 17.3.17
February publications
- Simboli e associazioni astrali nella glittica mesopotamica del Bronzo Tardo by Sara Pizzimenti
- Hill of Prosperity: Excavations at Khok Charoen, Thailand by Helmut Loofs-Wissowa
- The Funerary Monuments of Rough Cilicia and Isauria by Yasemin Er Scarborough
- Pottery Production Technology and Long-distance Exchange in Late Neolithic Makrygialos, Northern Greece by Elissavet S. Hitsiou
- The Pottery Figurines of Pre-Columbian Peru. Volume II : The Figurines of the Central Coast by Alexandra Morgan
- The Copper Age in South-West Spain: A bioarchaeological approach to prehistoric social organisation by Marta Díaz-Zorita Bonilla
- Arquitectura, urbanismo y espacios domésticos en 'El Castro', Pendia (Asturias, España). Siglos IV a. C.-II d. C. by Fernando Rodríguez del Cueto
- Transcaucasian Bronze Belts by Manuel Castelluccia
Posted 5.3.17
Current Archaeology Live conference
Marking 50 years since the inception of Current Archaeology magazine, the 2017 conference was as busy as ever with two days of talks from a range of archaeological experts on the latest finds and ground-breaking research. The keynote speech was delivered by BAR author Mike Parker Pearson.
Posted 22.2.17
A successful book launch in Malta
We were delighted to hear from Keith Buhagiar that the book launch for Malta and Water was a great success, with an audience of over 100 and great interest shown in the book.
Posted 20.2.17
January publications
- Mifsas Baḥri: a Late Aksumite Frontier Community in the Mountains of Southern Tigray Edited by Michela Gaudiello and Paul A. Yule
- Gatherings: Past and Present. Proceedings from the 2013 Archaeology of Gatherings International Conference at IT Sligo, Ireland Edited by Fiona Beglane
- The Northern Rock Art Tradition in Central Norway by Kalle Sognnes
- The Diffusion of Neolithic Practices from Anatolia to Europe: A contextual study of residential construction, 8,500–5,500 BC cal. by Maxime Nicolas Brami
- At the End of Great Moravia: Skeletons from the Second Church Cemetery at Pohansko-Břeclav (9th-10th Century A.D.) Edited by Vladimír Sládek and Jirí Machácek
Posted 4.2.17
Come say hello and meet us in person at our stand, at one of the upcoming events below:
Annual Egyptology Colloquium - Animal mummies: from beliefs to practice , London, UK,
31 October - 1 November 2024
activateCHAT: Contemporary & Historical Archaeology in Theory Conference 2024, Plymouth, UK,
7-10 November 2024
ASOR Annual Meeting 2024, Boston, USA,
20-23 November 2024
TAG - Theoretical Archaeology Group 45th Annual Meeting, Bournemouth, UK,
13-15 December 2024
Or find our leaflets at one of the upcoming events below:
RCRF - 33rd Congress of the Rei Cretariæ Romanæ Fautores, Leiden, Netherlands,
15-22 September 2024
EASAA - 26th International Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art, Leipzig, Germany,
16-20 September 2024
Islamic Archaeology Conference 2024, Frankfurt, Germany,
7-9 November 2024
ISBSA - 17th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Naples, Italy,
21-25 October 2024
Islamic Archaeology Conference, Frankfurt, Germany,
7-9 November 2024
2024 Past Conferences and Events
SHA - Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology, California, USA,
3-6 January 2024
IMASS - International Shipwreck Conference, Plymouth, UK,
3 February 2024
Current Archaeology Live! 2024 , London, UK,
24 February 2024
The Oxford University Byzantine Society’s 2024 International Graduate Conference, Oxford, UK,
24-25 February 2024
2024 RFG Spring Meeting, Reading, UK,
8-9 March 2024
Islamic Archaeology Day 2024, London, UK,
9 March 2024
Disposal of the Dead in Iron Age, Roman and Early Saxon South-East England, Lewes, UK,
23 March 2024
UKAS, York, UK,
2-5 April 2024
Post-Medieval Archaeology Congress, Swansea, UK,
5-7 April 2024
CAA - Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Auckland, New Zealand,
8-12 April 2024
RAC/TRAC - The Roman Archaeology Conference, London, UK,
8-12 April 2024
SAA - The Society for American Archaeology's 89th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA,
17-21 April 2024
The Prehistoric Society Europa Conference, Edinburgh, UK,
15 June 2024
Hydor Conference - International Aegean Conference XXe Rencontre égéenne internationale, Amsterdam, Netherlands,
11-16 June 2024
ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies Conferences - Trade Routes and Seafaring in the Ancient Near East, Oxford, UK,
15-17 July 2024
British Archaeological Association (BAA) - Annual conference: Roman and Medieval Art, Architecture and Archaeology in Pembrokeshire, Haverfordwest, UK,
15-19 July 2024
EAA 30th Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy,
28-31 August 2024
CRE - Current Research in Egyptology, Liverpool, UK,
2-6 September 2024
AGCA - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christliche Archäologie, Forum Kunst des Mittelalters, Jena, Germany,
2-6 September 2024
BABAO - British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology, Keele, UK,
6-8 September 2024
LIMES Congress - 26th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, Batumi, Georgia,
8-14 September 2024
2023 Conferences and Events
Or find our leaflets at one of the upcoming events below:
RCRF - 33rd Congress of the Rei Cretariæ Romanæ Fautores, Leiden, Netherlands,
15-22 September 2024
EASAA - 26th International Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art, Leipzig, Germany,
16-20 September 2024
Islamic Archaeology Conference 2024, Frankfurt, Germany,
7-9 November 2024
ISBSA - 17th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Naples, Italy,
21-25 October 2024
Islamic Archaeology Conference, Frankfurt, Germany,
7-9 November 2024
2024 Past Conferences and Events
SHA - Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology, California, USA,
3-6 January 2024
IMASS - International Shipwreck Conference, Plymouth, UK,
3 February 2024
Current Archaeology Live! 2024 , London, UK,
24 February 2024
The Oxford University Byzantine Society’s 2024 International Graduate Conference, Oxford, UK,
24-25 February 2024
2024 RFG Spring Meeting, Reading, UK,
8-9 March 2024
Islamic Archaeology Day 2024, London, UK,
9 March 2024
Disposal of the Dead in Iron Age, Roman and Early Saxon South-East England, Lewes, UK,
23 March 2024
UKAS, York, UK,
2-5 April 2024
Post-Medieval Archaeology Congress, Swansea, UK,
5-7 April 2024
CAA - Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Auckland, New Zealand,
8-12 April 2024
RAC/TRAC - The Roman Archaeology Conference, London, UK,
8-12 April 2024
SAA - The Society for American Archaeology's 89th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA,
17-21 April 2024
The Prehistoric Society Europa Conference, Edinburgh, UK,
15 June 2024
Hydor Conference - International Aegean Conference XXe Rencontre égéenne internationale, Amsterdam, Netherlands,
11-16 June 2024
ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies Conferences - Trade Routes and Seafaring in the Ancient Near East, Oxford, UK,
15-17 July 2024
British Archaeological Association (BAA) - Annual conference: Roman and Medieval Art, Architecture and Archaeology in Pembrokeshire, Haverfordwest, UK,
15-19 July 2024
EAA 30th Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy,
28-31 August 2024
CRE - Current Research in Egyptology, Liverpool, UK,
2-6 September 2024
AGCA - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christliche Archäologie, Forum Kunst des Mittelalters, Jena, Germany,
2-6 September 2024
BABAO - British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology, Keele, UK,
6-8 September 2024
LIMES Congress - 26th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, Batumi, Georgia,
8-14 September 2024
2023 Conferences and Events
EAA 29th Annual Meeting, Belfast, Northern Ireland
30 August - 2 September 2023
International Congress of Egyptologists, Leiden, Netherlands,
6-11 August 2023
IMC 2023 Bookfair: Networks and Entanglements, Leeds, UK,
3 July - 6 July 2023
SAK - Standing Egyptology Conference, Cologne, Germany,
30 June - 2 July
Europa Conference , Cambridge, UK
2-4 June 2023
SAfA , Rice University, Texas
1-6 June 2023
13th ICANNE , Copenhagen, Denmark
22-26 May 2023
CIfA , Nottingham, UK
19-21 April 2023
SAA , Portland, Oregon
29 March - 2 April 2023
BAR Publishing WINS the IPG PLS Academic and Professional Publisher of the Year award 2022
We are delighted to announce that we have won the IPG PLS Academic and Professional Publisher of the Year award 2022. We attended the award ceremony on the 27th April and had a fantastic day along with all the other independent publishers. Thank you so much to the IPG for a wonderful event. Winning this award is recognition of what the BAR team has achieved and acknowledges the particularly special community built up around author, publisher and libraries.
For more information about the IPG award please click here.
“It’s a properly independent and well-run business that has mastered its niche,” said the judges.
2022 Conferences and Events
EAA, Edinburgh, UK,
15-17 December 2022 Please meet us in person at our stand
EAA, Budapest, Hungary,
31 August - 3 September 2022 Please meet us in person at our stand
LIMES, Nijmegend, NL,
21-27 August 2022 Please meet us in person at our stand
WAC-9, Oxford, UK,
09-11 August 2022 Please meet us in person at our stand
WAC-9, Prague, Czech Republic, Slovakia
03-08 July 2022
International Medieval Congress 2022, Leeds, UK
4-7 July 2022
Europa Conference 2022, Bournemouth, UK
17-19 June 2022 Please meet us in person at our stand
SAA 87th Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA
30 March – 3 April 2022

This work looks beyond the historical narrative of the Mongol Conquest itself to identify and consider long-term urban changes from the 12th to the end of the 14th century. The archaeological examination of urban change in the cites of Otrar, Kazakhstan, Barda, Azerbaijan, and Merv, Turkmenistan, challenges accepted narratives of traumatic conquests and Mongol destruction and slaughter in Central Asia. Detailed archaeological analyses found no evidence of cities razed or populations slaughtered. The lack of archaeological evidence for destruction attributable to intentional human actions in the conquest period does not correlate with historical reports of widespread devastation. Instead, the evidence demonstrates shifting occupation patterns and a complexity in urban dynamics that have not previously been recognised. This innovative work will be of widespread interest to archaeologists and historians across the region and further afield.
We aim to publish before the end of 2022.
Mesoamerican Codices
Calendrical Knowledge and Ritual Practice in Indigenous Religion and History.
This promises to be an interesting and important study bringing together the ancient traditions of the Mesoamericans with the modern world. It translates, records, and transcribes ceremonies, chants, prayers, using ancient imagery, pre-colonial manuscripts, colonial text, rock art, imagery, rituals in order to reinterpret them as seen by its own people. The multidisciplinary study of history, archaeology, anthropology, mysticism and more, presented in text, images and audio makes Frassani’s work a unique type of study that successfully put the culture, history, and beliefs of the Mazatec’ indigenous people in a position to challenge the misinterpretation of colonial accounts.
Thank you to all entrants who submitted their work. The number, quality and diversity of projects was exciting, and we hope to continue to work with many of the authors.
Thanks also to our judging panel – Timothy Darvill, Hatoon al Fassi, Cat Jarman, Innocent Pikarayi, Claire Smith.
If you would like to know more about BAR Open Access programme please contact Editor-in-Chief, Jacqueline Senior (
BAR Publishing is delighted to announce that Neolithic and Bronze Age Funerary and Ritual Practices in Wales, 3600–1200 BC by Geneviève Tellier was nominated for the 2020 Current Archaeology Book of the Year award.
Posted 23.01.20
BAR was delighted to sponsor the awards at the 2019 conferences below:
Best presentation award and best poster award
Graduate Archaeology at Oxford (GAO) Annual International Conference, Ioannou Centre, Oxford, UK, 11-12 March 2019
Sponsor of the Archaeologist of the Year award
Current Archaeology LIVE (CAL), Senate House, London, UK, 8-9 March 2019
Society for American Archaeology student paper award prize
The Society for American Archaeology's 84th Annual Meeting (SAA), Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 10-14 April 2019
Poster award
Early Medieval Archaeology Student Symposium - EMASS , Durham and Newcastle, UK, 11-13 April 2019
Winner of the BAR-sponsored poster prize at EMASS 2019
Many congratulations to Vanessa Reid of Durham University who won the BAR-sponsored poster prize at the Early Medieval Archaeology Student Symposium, that took place at the universities of Durham and Newcastle on the 11-13 April 2019.
Posted 15.04.19
BAR exhibits at the 2019 Maritime Archaeology Graduate Symposium
Thank you to all of the organisers at the Maritime Archaeology Graduate Symposium (MAGS) that took place at the University of Southampton on the 29–31 March 2019. Here’s our Director, Birgit Thaller, at our stand ready to meet the delegates.
Posted 14.04.19
BAR author Simon Elliott appears on Channel 5’s programme ‘London: 2000 Years Of History’
BAR author Simon Elliott, who wrote B638 ‘Ragstone to Riches: Imperial Estates, metalla and the Roman military in the south east of Britain during the occupation’, talks about ragstone quarrying in London on Channel 5’s programme ‘ London: 2000 Years Of History’, that was aired on Tuesday 5th March 2019. To see the programme please click here (Simon features 25 minutes in).
Posted 12.03.19
Article on BAR S2911, by Omar Romero de la Osa Fernández, published in Diario de Huelva
On 9th March 2019, an article on 'Arquitectura religiosa en el espacio rural del Reino de Sevilla’ was published in Diario de Huelva. To read the article, please click here.
Posted 10.03.19
Presentation of new BAR S2916 ‘Antro delle gallerie, indagini di archeologia mineraria in Valganna (Varese)’ by Amedeo Gambini
On Wednesday 27th February 2019, Maria Antonietta Breda and Gianluca Padovan, along with Amedeo Gambini and Alfredo Spaggiari, held a presentation for Amedeo Gambini’s new book S2916 ‘Antro delle gallerie, indagini di archeologia mineraria in Valganna (Varese)’ at the Urban Centre Milano. The presentation also discussed S1599 ‘Italian Cadastre of Artificial Cavities Part 1’, which is the first book in the Hypogean Archaeology sub-series. A film of the event can be viewed by visiting the milanourbancenter Facebook page. An article, edited by Ippolito Edmondo Ferrario, about the event, is also shown on the milanounderground website.
Posted 08.03.19
On the 23rd February 2019, Noemí Raposo gave an interview for the newspaper ‘Huelva Buenas Noticias’ about her new book, La delimitación de los espacios públicos en Pompeya, which presents an unprecedented study of the public spaces in Pompeii. To read the interview please click here.
Posted 26.02.19
Presentation for Patrimonio Culturale, Paesaggi e Personaggi dell'altopiano ibleo (BAR S2874)
On the 28th December 2018, Santino Alessandro Cugno presented his book, Patrimonio Culturale, Paesaggi e Personaggi dell'altopiano ibleo (BAR S2874), with the collaboration of the Municipality of Canicattini Bagni, the Società Siracusana di Storia Patria and the Foundation Agnello.
Posted 29.12.18
40th Theoretical Archaeology Group conference
Our Director, Birgit Thaller, had a great time exhibiting at the 40th Theoretical Archaeology Group conference, on the 17th – 19th December 2018 at the University of Chester – our last conference of 2018! Many congratulations to Alan Hitchen, the lucky winner of the BAR prize draw, who won a £75 BAR book voucher.
Posted 20.12.18
Presentations for latest volumes in the Hypogean Archaeology: Research and Documentation of Underground Structures sub-series
Presentations of the two latest volumes in the Hypogean Archaeology: Research and Documentation of Underground Structures sub-series took place in 2018. Le acque del passato: opere idrauliche dall’antichità al XX secolo (BAR S2907) Edited by Sara Fumagalli and Gianluca Padovan and Archeologia dell’Acqua Potabile a Milano (BAR S2894) by Maria Antonietta Breda and Gianluca Padovan were discussed at the Dragonesse, monumenti e acque del passato a Milano conference on the 30th November 2018 at the Urban Center Milano (Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II) and at the Il Sottosuolo Della Città conference on the 12th December 2018 at the presso la Centrale dell’acqua.
Posted 13.12.18
Book Launch for 'Multi-period Occupation at Football Field, Worth Matravers, Dorset: Excavations 2006–2011', BAR No B643
We were delighted to hear from Lilian Ladle that the launch of her new book, Multi-period Occupation at Football Field, Worth Matravers, Dorset: Excavations 2006–2011 (BAR No B643), was a great success. The book launch took place at the Worth Matravers Archaeological Excavation: Life, Death and Feasting, 5,600 Years of Occupation conference on the 1st December 2018 at the Dorford Centre in Dorchester.
Posted 02.12.18
November 2018 publications
- A GIS-based Analysis of Hillfort Location and Morphology by Jessica Murray
- La delimitación de los espacios públicos en Pompeya by Noemí Raposo Gutiérrez
- Brazaletes de piedra neolíticos en la península ibérica (VI–V milenio a.C.): Tecnología, funcionalidad y circulación by Francisco Martínez-Sevilla
- Genre et hiérarchisation dans le monde nord-alpin, aux âges du Bronze et du Fer by Caroline Trémeaud
- Arquitectura religiosa en el espacio rural del Reino de Sevilla: Análisis edilicio, constructivo y estructural en la Sierra de Aracena durante los siglos XIII–XV by Omar Romero de la Osa Fernández
Posted 30.11.2018
Council for British Archaeology (CBA), Wessex - 60th Anniversary Conference
Our Director, Birgit Thaller, had a very enjoyable and lively weekend exhibiting at the Council for British Archaeology (CBA), Wessex - 60th Anniversary Conference, at the University of Southampton on Saturday 3rd November 2018. Many congratulations to the winner of our BAR Prize draw, presented by Phil Harding, who won a £50 BAR book voucher!
Posted 08.11.18
October 2018 publications
- Multi-period Occupation at Football Field, Worth Matravers, Dorset: Excavations 2006–2011 by Lilian Ladle
- Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Ancient Maya Underworld: Exploring the rise and fall of Maya centres in central Belize from the cave context by Shawn Gregory Morton
- The Domus del Ninfeo at Ostia (III, VI, 1-3): Structure, Function and Social Context by Alessandra Batty
- The Zooarchaeology of the Late Neolithic Strymon River Valley: The case of the Greek sector of Promachon-Topolnica in Macedonia, Greece by George Kazantzis
- Le acque del passato: opere idrauliche dall’antichità al XX secolo: IV Congresso di Archeologia del Sottosuolo Edited by Sara Fumagalli and Gianluca Padovan
Posted 31.10.18
September 2018 publications
- Neolithic and Bronze Age Funerary and Ritual Practices in Wales, 3600–1200 BC by Geneviève Tellier
- Amenemhat IV and the End of the Twelfth Dynasty: Between the End and the Beginning by Stefania Pignattari
- The Human Occupation of the Southern Central Pyrenees in the Sixth–Third Millennia cal BC: A traceological analysis of flaked stone assemblages by Niccolò Mazzucco
Posted 30/09/2018
BAR author, Maria Duggan, appears in BBC Two documentary ‘King Arthur’s Britain: The Truth Unearthed’
Maria Duggan appeared in a BBC Two documentary, 'King Arthur’s Britain: The Truth Unearthed’, on Sunday 16th September 2018. Maria was filmed showing the presenter, Alice Roberts, the imported pottery from the new excavation at Tintagel in Cornwall. The ceramics are the subject of Maria’s new book, Links to Late Antiquity: Ceramic exchange and contacts on the Atlantic Seaboard in the 5th to 7th centuries AD where she discusses the British finds within a wider Atlantic perspective.
Posted 17.09.18
20th annual British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology (BABAO)
We very much enjoyed exhibiting at the 20th annual British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology conference that took place at Cranfield University this weekend where we displayed a selection of our Osteoarchaeology titles including the proceedings of several former BABAO conferences (please click here for further information).
Posted 17.09.18
August 2018 publications
- Sailing to the Holy Land: Crusader Ships, Seamanship, Logistics and Landing Operations by Dan Mirkin
- Poblamiento ibérico (ss V-III a.n.e.) en el sureste de la península ibérica: Nuevos datos para el estudio a través de la arqueología del paisaje by Francisco Ramos Martínez
Posted 31/08/2018
July 2018 publications
- A Zooarchaeological Study of the Haimenkou Site, Yunnan Province, China by Juan Wang
- Coinage in the Northumbrian Landscape and Economy, c.575–c.867 by Tony Abramson
Posted 31/07/2018
June 2018 publications
- Iron Age Fen-Edge Settlement at Black Horse Farm, Sawtry, Cambridgeshire by Andrew A. S. Newton
- Links to Late Antiquity: Ceramic exchange and contacts on the Atlantic Seaboard in the 5th to 7th centuries AD by Maria Duggan
- Ragstone to Riches: Imperial Estates, metalla and the Roman military in the south east of Britain during the occupation by Simon Elliott
- Mucho más que barcos: Una aproximación teórica a las funciones, capacidades náuticas, bases materiales y dimensión social de la tecnología naval prehistórica by Julián Moyano Di Carlo
Posted 29/06/2018
May 2018 publications
- Creating Society and Constructing the Past: Social Change in the Thames Valley from the Late Bronze Age to the Middle Iron Age by Alex Davies
- La parure en coquille à Sayula, Occident du Mexique: Approche techno-stylistique et rôle dans la dynamique socioculturelle entre 450 et 1000 apr. J.-C. by Elodie Mas
- Maya Ceramic Technology and Ceramic Socio-economy: A multifaceted analysis of Late Postclassic ceramic production and distribution in Northern Yucatán, México by Carmen Giomar Sánchez Fortoul
- The Zeebrugge Shipwreck: A forgotten early sixteenth-century merchantman discovered off the Belgian coast by Hendrik Lettany
- Art et archéologie du Proche-Orient hellénistique et romain: Les circulations artistiques entre Orient et Occident: Actes de la journée d’études du 11 mai 2017, Institut Catholique de Paris Edited by Caroline Arnould-Béhar and Véronique Vassal
- Il piombo dell’imperatore: relitto di Rena Maiore e le miniere del princeps in età augustea by Stefano Genovesi
Posted 31/05/2018
April 2018 publications
- Industry and the Making of a Rural Landscape: Iron and pottery production at Churchills Farm, Hemyock, Devon Edited by Chris Smart
- La Necropoli di Capestrano, I: Scavi d’Ercole 2003–2009 by Vincenzo d’Ercole, Valeria Acconcia and Deneb Cesana
- Archeologia dell’Acqua Potabile a Milano: Dagli antichi pozzi ordinari al moderno sistema di acquedotto urbano by Maria Antonietta Breda and Gianluca Padovan
- Arqueología de los paisajes forestales del norte de Mendoza, centro-oeste Argentina (siglos VIII–XIX by Luis E. Mafferra
Posted 30/04/2018
Presentation of S2884 at the 17th International Aegean Conference
Congratulations to volume editors, Giorgia Baldacci and Ilaria Caloi, for a wonderful presentation of their book BAR S2884, Rhadamanthys: Studi di archeologia minoica in onore di Filippo Carinci per il suo 70° compleanno/Studies in Minoan archaeology in honour of Filippo Carinci on the occasion of his 70th birthday, on Friday 20th April 2018 during the 17th International Aegean Conference, at the University of Venice in Italy.
Giorgia Baldacci is pictured here reading a message on behalf of the volume editors
Posted 24.04.18
11th ICAANE (International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East)
We had a wonderful time this week exhibiting at the 11th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East at LMU Munich. We were delighted to see many BAR authors and Frank Hole and Yukiko Tonoike are shown here with their book, BAR S2827 Homesteads on the Khabur: Tell Ziyadeh and Other Settlements.
Posted 10.04.18
March 2018 publications
- Archaeozoological Analysis of the Fortified Settlement of Sand (10th Century AD, Lower Austria): Early Medieval faunal remains from Sand an der Thaya by Konstantina Saliari
- Interchange in Pre- and Protohistory: Case Studies in Iberia, Romania, Turkey and Israel Edited by Ana Cruz and Juan F. Gibaja
- La statio romana de Mas Gusó: Vigilancia y control del territorio de Ampurias, Hispania Citerior, desde el siglo II a.C. al siglo III d.C. Estructura, secuencias e interpretación by Josep Casas, Josep Mª Nolla and Victòria Soler
- Tecniche di rilevamento e metodi di rappresentazione per l’Architettura Rupestre: Il Monastero Benedettino di Subiaco by Andrea Angelini
Posted 30.03.2018
Interview on BBC Radio Orkney with BAR author, Rebecca Crozier
Rebecca Crozier has given an interview with BBC Radio Orkney about her new book in the BAR British Series A Taphonomic Approach to the Re-analysis of the Human Remains from the Neolithic Chamber Tomb of Quanterness, Orkney and the significant finds that have been discovered.
Click here to read the news story on the BBC news website.
Click here to hear the interview on BBC Radio Orkney (at 24'01").
Posted 27.03.18
46th Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology conference
We have had a busy few weeks exhibiting at the CAL, LAMAS and GAO conferences and we are looking forward to exhibiting at the 46th Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology conference next week at the University of Tübingen where titles in the CAA series will be on display as well as other computing and quantitative method titles. If you are attending, please do stop by our stand to browse through our titles where 40% discount will be on offer.
Posted 15.03.18
February 2018 publications
- A Taphonomic Approach to the Re-analysis of the Human Remains from the Neolithic Chamber Tomb of Quanterness, Orkney by Rebecca Crozier
- Digging for Words: Archaeolinguistic case studies from the XV Nordic TAG Conference held at the University of Copenhagen, 16–18 April 2015 Edited by Rune Iversen and Guus Kroonen
- Culturas en contacto: conflicto, asimilación e intercambio: Proceedings of the Third Postgraduate Conference in Studies of Antiquity and Middle Ages, Autonomous University of Barcelona, 23–25th November 2016 Edited by Núria Pacheco Catalán, Ignacio Díaz Sierra, Marina Fernández Monterrubio, Isaac Lampurlanés Farré, Ariadna Martínez Guimerà, Marc Mendoza Sanahuja, Manel Pica Torné, Montserrat Rovira Rafecas and David Vázquez Ruiz
- Le fortificazioni di Iasos di Caria: Rilievi e analisi architettoniche by Michele Cornieti
- Gli incroci pericolosi: Storia e Archeologia della Strada di Fiandra in Italia e Savoia. 1561–1659 by Giovanni Cerino Badone
Posted 28.02.2018
Presentation at the Instituto Alicantino de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert
We send our congratulations to, Juan Antonio Mira Rico, for a wonderful presentation of Management Analysis of Municipal Castles in the Province of Alicante (Spain) at the Instituto Alicantino de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert on the 6th February 2018.
Along with Juan Antonio Mira Rico, the speakers at the presentation were Dr. Joan Borja i Sanz (Director of the Instituto Alicantino de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert Publications and Research Department) and Dr. Rafael Azuar Ruiz (pictured here).
Posted 09.02.18
January 2018 publications
- The Outcast Dead: Historical and archaeological evidence for the effect of the New Poor Law on the health and diet of London’s post-medieval poor by Brittney K. Shields Wilford
- Rhadamanthys: Studi di archeologia minoica in onore di Filippo Carinci per il suo 70° compleanno/Studies in Minoan archaeology in honour of Filippo Carinci on the occasion of his 70th birthday Edited by Giorgia Baldacci and Ilaria Caloi
- Un approccio integrato al problema della ricostruzione della viabilità romana in Sicilia: La via Catania-Agrigento by Marco Sfacteria
Posted 31.01.18
The Maritime Archaeology Graduate Symposium- MAGS
We are delighted to be exhibiting at Ioannou Centre, University of Oxford on Saturday 3rd February 2018 at the Maritime Archaeology Graduate Symposium. If you are attending please do stop by our stand in the atrium of the centre.
Posted 24.01.18
December 2017 publications
- Romans in the Middle and Lower Danube Valley, 1st century BC–5th century AD: Case Studies in Archaeology, Epigraphy and History Edited by Eric C. De Sena and Calin Timoc
- Le site de Bey-144: Fouilles et étude de la céramique (période hellénistique – début de l'ère romaine) by Dina Frangié-Joly
- Géoarchéologie de la transition Pléistocène-Holocène dans le nord-est pampéen (Buenos Aires, Argentine): Révision historique, stratigraphique et taphonomique. Perspectives pour le peuplement pré-LGM, Volumes I and II by Marcelo Javier Toledo
Posted 29.12.17
November 2017 publications
- Health Among the Maya: An osteoarchaeological comparison of sites in the northern Three Rivers Region, Belize by Hannah Plumer
- Recorded Places, Experienced Places: The Holocene rock art of the Iberian Atlantic north-west Edited by Ana M. S. Bettencourt, Manuel Santos Estevez, Hugo A. Sampaio and Daniela Cardoso
- Messina 1860–1943: Storia e Archeologia Militare di una piazzaforte contesa by Armando Donato
- Vida y muerte en el asentamiento del Neolítico Antiguo de El Prado (Pancorbo, Burgos): Construyendo el Neolítico en la Península Ibérica Edited by Carmen Alonso-Fernández
- Espacio gráfico, visibilidad y tránsito cavernario / Graphic Space, Visibility and Cave Transit: El uso de las cavidades con arte paleolítico en la Región Cantábrica / The use of caves with Palaeolithic art in the Cantabrian region by Blanca Ochoa
Posted 30.11.17
Nautical Archaeology Society
We were exhibiting at the Nautical Archaeology Society conference this weekend at the University of Portsmouth where the titles in the Nautical Archaeology Society Monograph Series were on display as well as many other maritime and underwater archaeology titles. Thank you to the organisers for such an interesting conference.
Posted 21.11.17
A Millennium: Settlement, Landscape and Society, 500 BC to 500 AD
We are exhibiting at Rewley House, at the Department for Continuing Education, University of Oxford on Saturday 2nd December 2017 where the course ‘A Millennium: Settlement, Landscape and Society, 500 BC to 500 AD’ is taking place.
Oxford University through its Department for Continuing Education offers frequent opportunities for learning and training in Archaeology, please click here for further details.
Posted 10.11.17
Nautical Archaeology Society
If you are attending the Nautical Archaeology Society conference in Portsmouth on the 18–19 November 2017 do stop by our stand to browse through our titles and take advantage of our 40% conference discount.
Posted 09.11.17
October 2017 publications
- Persepolis West (Fars, Iran): Report on the field work carried out by the Iranian-Italian Joint Archaeological Mission in 2008–2009 by Alireza Askari Chaverdi and Pierfrancesco Callieri
- Punctuated Insularity: The Archaeology of 4th and 3rd Millennium Sardinia by Gary Webster and Maud Webster
- Catalogo degli Ushabti del Museo Egizio di Firenze, Volume II: Nuovo Regno (Seconda Parte) by Giacomo Cavillier
- L’industrie lithique des populations blicquiennes (Néolithique ancien, Belgique) : organisation des productions et réseaux de diffusion: Petits échanges en famille by Solène Denis
- Patrimonio Culturale, Paesaggi e Personaggi dell'altopiano ibleo: Scritti di archeologia e museologia della Sicilia sud-orientale by Santino Alessandro Cugno con il contributo di Ray Bondin, Franco Dell’Aquila, Iorga Ivano Prato, Paolo Daniele Scirpo e la prefazione di Lorenzo Guzzardi
Posted 30.10.17
Scythians and early nomads from Siberia to the Black Sea
We are exhibiting at the Scythians and early nomads from Siberia to the Black Sea conference today until the 29th October at the British Museum.
Posted 27.10.17
Frankfurt Book Fair
Our director, Birgit Thaller is busy at the Frankfurt Book Fair this week meeting many of our international agents and booksellers at our stand G72 in Hall 4.2.
Posted 12.10.17
3rd International Conference on the Solutrean 2017
We are proud to support the 3rd International Conference on the Solutrean 2017 that is taking place this week at the Universidade do Algarve in Portugal. A selection of BARs are on display such as Solutrean Points of the Iberian Peninsula: Tool making and using behaviour of hunter-gatherers during the Last Glacial Maximum by Isabell Schmidt and a special 25% BAR conference discount is available for all of the delegates.
Posted 12.10.17
September 2017 publications
- Fishing and Managing the Trent in the Medieval Period (7th–14th Century): Excavations at Hemington Quarry (1998–2000), Castle Donington, UK by Lynden P. Cooper and Susan Ripper with contributions by Matt Beamish, Jennifer Browning, Nicholas J. Cooper, Robert Howard, Patrick Marsden, Angela Monckton, Anita Radini and Deborah Sawday
- Las poblaciones de la Prehistoria reciente (VIº - IIº milenio a.n.e.) en la Campiña Litoral y Banda Atlántica de Cádiz: Un análisis a través de la Antropología Física y la Arqueología by Adolfo Moreno-Márquez
- Management Analysis of Municipal Castles in the Province of Alicante (Spain) by Juan Antonio Mira Rico
- Archaeological Approaches to Breaking Boundaries: Interaction, Integration and Division: Proceedings of the Graduate Archaeology at Oxford Conferences 2015–2016 Edited by Rebecca O'Sullivan, Christina Marini and Julia Binnberg
Posted 9.10.17
The Bountiful Sea: Fish processing and consumption in Mediterranean antiquity conference
We very much enjoyed attending The Bountiful Sea conference at the Taylor Institution in Oxford on the 6-8 September 2017.
Posted 11.9.17
August 2017 publications
- Investigating Restricted Knowledge in Lithic Craft Traditions among the Pre-contact Coast Salish of the Pacific Northwest Coast of North America by Adam N. Rorabaugh
- Analisi tecnologica e funzionale dell'industria in pietra non scheggiata del Neolitico medio dell’Italia settentrionale: Tre casi studio dell'area veneta by Anna Lunardi
- Sailing Rock Art Boats: A reassessment of seafaring abilities in Bronze Age Scandinavia and the introduction of the sail in the North by Boel Bengtsson
- Storie di paesaggi e uomini alle pendici del Mont Fallère nell’Olocene antico e medio (Saint-Pierre, Valle d'Aosta, Italia) Edited by Luca V.M. Raiteri
- Early Bronze Age Round Barrows of the Anglo-Welsh Border by Neal Johnson
Posted 6.9.17
European Association of Archaeologists Conference
We recently attended the European Association of Archaeologists conference in Maastricht on the 30 August–3 September 2017 where we exhibited our titles and met many of the delegates. Many congratulations to the winners of the BAR Publishing prize draw: Zsófia Rácz (1st prize, winning a BAR Publishing book voucher), Eloísa Ferratges Kwekel (2nd prize winner), Else Meyerink, (3rd prize winner). We hope that you enjoyed your prizes.
Posted 4.9.17
Ständige Ägyptologenkonferenz
In July we also travelled to Göttingen University to exhibit at the Ständige Ägyptologenkonferenz. The lucky winners of the BAR Publishing prize draw were Ursula Selzer (1st prize winner), Carolin Dingeldein (2nd prize winner) and Gerhard Kuhnel (3rd prize winner).
Posted 17.7.17
International Medieval Congress 2017
Thank you to everyone who visited our stand at the amazing International Medieval Congress in Leeds. We had a busy 4 days and it was wonderful to meet so many delegates.
Posted 8.7.17
International Association for Research on Pottery on the Hellenistic Period conference
We had a great time exhibiting at the International Association for Research on Pottery on the Hellenistic Period conference in the beautiful town of Kaštela in Croatia.
Thank you very much to the conference organisers for your wonderful hospitality.
Posted 5.6.17
May 2017 publications
- Archaeological Survey and Excavations at Mikindani, Southern Tanzania: Finding Their Place in the Swahili World by Matthew Pawlowicz
- Ancient Settlement Patterns in the Area of Aksum (Tigray, Northern Ethiopia) – Ca. 900 BCE–800/850 CE by Luisa Sernicola
- Early Microlithic Technologies and Behavioural Variability in Southern Africa and South Asia by Laura Lewis
- The Akko Marina Archaeological Project by Ehud Galili with contributions by Gerald Finkielsztejn, Zaraza Friedman, Liora Kolska Horwitz, Yaacov Kahanov, Robert Kool, Baruch Rosen, Jacob Sharvit, Na’ama Silberstein, Dov Zviely and a foreword by David Jacoby
- The Place-name Kingston and Royal Power in Middle Anglo-Saxon England: Patterns, possibilities and purpose by Jill Bourne
- Ad Vallum: Papers on the Roman Army and Frontiers in Celebration of Dr Brian Dobson Edited By Adam Parker
Posted 30.5.17
A presentation of BAR S2847
Many congratulations to Fernando Rodriguez Del Cueto who recently held a presentation about his new book, BAR S2847, Arquitectura, urbanismo y espacios domésticos en “El Castro”, Pendia (Asturias, España). Siglos IV a. C.–II d. C. at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Campus del Milán on the 3rd May 2017.
Posted 14.5.17
April 2017 publications
- Materia y acción en las catedrales medievales (ss. IX-XIII) / Material and Action in European Cathedrals (9th-13th centuries): Construir, decorar, celebrar / Building, decorating, celebrating Edited by Gerardo Boto Varela and César García de Castro Valdés
- Patrimonio tangible e intangible mexicano: una reflexión Edited by Juan García Targa and Geiser Gerardo Martín Medina
- Sémiologie du temple maya: Contribution à l’archéologie des centres cérémoniels des Basses Terres méso-américaines (200/900 ap. J.-C.) by Aliénor Letouzé
- The Minnesota Pylos Project, 1990–98 Edited by Frederick A. Cooper and Diane Fortenberry
- Excavations at Kranka Dada: An Examination of Daily Life, Trade, and Ritual in the Bono Manso Region by Anne M. Compton
- Animaltown: Beasts in Medieval Urban Space Edited by Alice M. Choyke and Gerhard Jaritz
Posted 20.4.17
March 2017 publications
- Excavations at Francavilla Marittima 1991–2004 by Marianne Kleibrink
- The Archaeology of the Roman Rural Economy in the Central Balkan Provinces by Olivera Ilić
- El proceso de urbanización de la Meseta Norte en la Protohistoria y la Antigüedad: la ciudad celtibérica y romana de Termes (s. VI a.C.–193 p.C.) by Santiago Martínez Caballero
- Il caso studio delle necropoli longobarde in area danubiana by Federica Codromaz
- Entangled Identities and Otherness in Late Antique and Early Medieval Europe edited by Jorge López Quiroga, Michel Kazanski and Vujadin Ivanišević
Posted 5.4.17
27th Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference
We were delighted to attend the 27th Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference at the University of Durham.
BAR author Sergio González Sánchez and Birgit with the winner of the BAR prize draw, Dr Matthew Mandich.
Posted 3.4.17
82nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA)
We had a busy few days at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Vancouver.
Posted 31.3.17
London Book Fair
Birgit had a very busy few days at London Book Fair, which is always a great event in the publishing calendar.
Posted 17.3.17
February publications
- Simboli e associazioni astrali nella glittica mesopotamica del Bronzo Tardo by Sara Pizzimenti
- Hill of Prosperity: Excavations at Khok Charoen, Thailand by Helmut Loofs-Wissowa
- The Funerary Monuments of Rough Cilicia and Isauria by Yasemin Er Scarborough
- Pottery Production Technology and Long-distance Exchange in Late Neolithic Makrygialos, Northern Greece by Elissavet S. Hitsiou
- The Pottery Figurines of Pre-Columbian Peru. Volume II : The Figurines of the Central Coast by Alexandra Morgan
- The Copper Age in South-West Spain: A bioarchaeological approach to prehistoric social organisation by Marta Díaz-Zorita Bonilla
- Arquitectura, urbanismo y espacios domésticos en 'El Castro', Pendia (Asturias, España). Siglos IV a. C.-II d. C. by Fernando Rodríguez del Cueto
- Transcaucasian Bronze Belts by Manuel Castelluccia
Posted 5.3.17
Current Archaeology Live conference
Marking 50 years since the inception of Current Archaeology magazine, the 2017 conference was as busy as ever with two days of talks from a range of archaeological experts on the latest finds and ground-breaking research. The keynote speech was delivered by BAR author Mike Parker Pearson.
Posted 22.2.17
A successful book launch in Malta
We were delighted to hear from Keith Buhagiar that the book launch for Malta and Water was a great success, with an audience of over 100 and great interest shown in the book.
Posted 20.2.17
January publications
- Mifsas Baḥri: a Late Aksumite Frontier Community in the Mountains of Southern Tigray Edited by Michela Gaudiello and Paul A. Yule
- Gatherings: Past and Present. Proceedings from the 2013 Archaeology of Gatherings International Conference at IT Sligo, Ireland Edited by Fiona Beglane
- The Northern Rock Art Tradition in Central Norway by Kalle Sognnes
- The Diffusion of Neolithic Practices from Anatolia to Europe: A contextual study of residential construction, 8,500–5,500 BC cal. by Maxime Nicolas Brami
- At the End of Great Moravia: Skeletons from the Second Church Cemetery at Pohansko-Břeclav (9th-10th Century A.D.) Edited by Vladimír Sládek and Jirí Machácek
Posted 4.2.17