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Luiz Oosterbeek and Cláudia Fidalgo
Publication Year:
English, French, Italian and Spanish
255pp, Illustrated throughout
Sub-series name:
Proceedings of the XV World Congress UISPP (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006), 47
ISBN 10:
BAR number:


Additional papers representing miscellaneous papers from the XV UISPP World Congress (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006). Contents: Foreword (L. Oosterbeek); 1) Symbolism in Rock Art: from comparative studies on designs & forms (Nobuhiro Yoshida); 2) Las representaciones iconográficas del Bronce Final sobre soportes rupestres en Campanario (Badajoz, España). Un nuevo concepto de Estela de Guerrero y Estela-guijarro diademada (A. Domínguez García & Mª A. Aldecoa Quintana); 3) Nuovi monoliti istoriati dello stile III A in Valtellina (Stefania Casini, Angelo Fossati & Mario G. Simonelli); 4) Análise intra e inter-locais: Os sistemas de informação geográfica na análise de sítios arqueológicos - o caso do Complexo Megalítico de Rego da Murta (Alvaiázere) (Alexandra Figueiredo); 5) Iron Age Statue-Stelae at Gazzo, Colombara (Verona), Italy (Angelo Fossati); 6) Rite et Rituel Du Néolithique Précéramique dans le Cadre de la Necropole de Dridu (Roumanie) (Viorica Enăchiuc); 7) The Graphics of Bilzingsleben: Sophistication and Subtlety in the Mind of Homo erectus (John Feliks); 8) Proyecto la Puntilla: investigaciones sobre sociología de la centralización comunitaria en el valle de Nasca (1er milenio antes de nuestra era) (Giannina Bardales et al); 9) Complexo de Sítios de Pinturas Rupestres da Pedra Grande na Região dos Inselbergues de Itatim, Bahia, Brasil: Estado Atual e Perspectivas de Preservação de uma Área Arqueológica em Alto Risco de Degradação (Claudia Cunha et al); 10) Neanderthal and carnivore occupations in Pinilla del Valle sites (community of Madrid, Spain) (J.L. Arsuaga, E. Baquedano & A. Pérez-González); 11) Animal exploitation in the ancient Gravettian of Grotta Paglicci (Foggia - Italy). Taphonomy, experimentation and use-wear analysis (Valentina Borgia & Jacopo Crezzini); 12) As aves do plistocénio de Portugal (Silvério Figueiredo); 13) Quality in Cultural Heritage Management of Prehistoric sites (Maurizio Quagliuolo & Luiz Oosterbeek); 14) A virtual visit to the ancient Sabine princes (Paola Moscati); 15) Vegetation Management in Archaeological Areas and Properties of Cultural Interest (Jesús F. Jordá Pardo); 16) Education as part of cultural preservation (Inguelore Scheunemann); 17) University and professional training (John Collis); 18) Problemes de L'etude Scientifique de L' “Hominisation” (Roberto Flores Guevara); 19) The Middle - Upper Pleistocene Open-air Site of Ribeira da Ponte da Pedra (Middle Tagus Basin, Central Portugal) (Pierluigi Rosina et al); 20) Tools and the classification of housekeeping of earliest settlements in Azerbaijan (D. Roza Arazova); 21) The arqueologia do Cabo Espichel (Silvério Figueiredo); 22) The pleistocene site of Cova del Rinoceront (Barcelona, Spain) (Joan Daura Luján & Montserrat Sanz Borràs); 23) The Quinson point: new approach following the recent excavations in the eponymous site, La Baume Bonne Cave (Quinson, South-eastern France) (J. Gagnepain †, C. Gaillard & O. Notter); 24) Analysis of lithic microdebris from a mousterian level (20c) at Cueva de El Castillo (Puente Viesgo, Cantabria) (Jesús Barba Rey & Alberto Mingo Álvarez); 25) The mesolithic of Trou Al'Wesse cave (Belgium) in regional context (Rebecca Miller et al) 26) An insight into the integral analysis of Formative pottery in Southern Argentine Puna (Aixa S. Vidal).