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La domus del Mitreo a Tarquinia

Ricerche archeologiche dell’Università di Verona. Volume I

Attilio Mastrocinque, Fiammetta Soriano e Chiara Maria Marchetti
Publication Year:
Italian and English
262 pages. Illustrated throughout in colour and black and white. 19 tables, 305 figures.
BAR number:


La domus del Mitreo a Tarquinia presenta i risultati della ricerca archeologica a Tarquinia dal 2016 al 2018. Lo scavo di un grande complesso ha fornito documentazione della Tarquinia romana tra il III secolo a.C. e la tarda antichità. Chiodi votivi inscritti in latino e una fontana con un serbatoio d'acqua nascosto nelle sue pareti sono caratteristiche originali di questo edificio, da cui è venuta alla luce anche una statua di Mitra. I risultati mostrano due fasi principali: una nel II secolo a.C. e un'altra in età augustea. Anche le fasi finali sono importanti: nel IV secolo si verificò un crollo e l'area fu rialzata e livellata quasi ovunque e infine abbandonata nel VII secolo.

La domus del Mitreo a Tarquinia presents the results of archaeological research in Tarquinia from 2016 to 2018. The excavation of a large complex provided us with rich documentation of Roman Tarquinia between the 3rd century BCE and Late Antiquity. Votive nails inscribed in Latin and a fountain with a water reservoir concealed in its walls are original features of this building, from which a statue of Mithras also came to light. The results show two main phases: one in the 2nd century BCE and another in the Augustan Age. The final phases are also important: in the 4th century a collapse occurred and the area was raised and flattened almost everywhere and finally abandoned in the 7th century.

Attilio Mastrocinque is a professor at the University of Verona. He has conducted archaeological research in Grumentum and Tarquinia, and is the coordinator of the international doctorate in Arts and Archaeology (Ghent-Verona).

Chiara Maria Marchetti is a post-doctoral research associate at the University of Verona and Sapienza Università di Roma. Her research is focused mainly on cultural studies in the classical world, with special attention to religion and cults, votive practice and material culture.

Fiammetta Soriano is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Verona in Archaeology. Her research focuses on analysis of stratigraphy, construction techniques, topography, and reconstructions of Roman buildings.

Contributors: Luca Arioli, Antonella Arzone, Giulia Bison, Federico Boschi, Vittoria Canciani, Manuela Costanzo, Fabio Fiocchi, Angelica Gabrielli, Pietro Gobbi, Lorenzo Lazzarini, Nicola Luciani, Floriana Majerle, Manuela Malatesta, Marco Marchesini, Chiara Maria Marchetti, Silvia Marvelli, Attilio Mastrocinque, Elisabetta Rizzoli, Rossana Scavone, Fiammetta Soriano, Laura Valentini, Chiara Vitaloni, Elisa Zentilini.

‘Anyone studying Late Republican Italy or Roman civilisation will find this topic of interest […] I would expect scholars everywhere to pounce on this material.’ Dr Jean MacIntosh Turfa, Penn Museum

Table of Contents (S2986_9781407355399_ToC.pdf, 167 Kb) [Download]

Introduction (S2986_9781407355399_Introduction.pdf, 293 Kb) [Download]