Archaeozoological Analysis of the Fortified Settlement of Sand (10th Century AD, Lower Austria)

Early Medieval faunal remains from Sand an der Thaya

Konstantina Saliari
Publication Year:
175 pages, Illustrated throughout in colour and black and white. 32 tables and 55 figures (12 in colour).
BAR number:


This book presents an archaeozoological analysis of the Early Medieval fortified settlement Sand, in Lower Austria. The work describes the exceptional socio-economic organisation of a settlement based on its animal remains, at the border between Slavic and German spheres of influence. The investigation sheds light on aspects of daily life, the interaction between consumers and providers, and the exploitation of faunal resources. The first part of the book is dedicated to the environmental setting, the site, the material, and the methods applied. The main part presents a species by species analysis of the numerous faunal remains. The final part of the book discusses the archaeozoological results within the archaeological record, as well as the historical sources. The archaeozoological results show that the study of the faunal remains has played a decisive role in the archaeological interpretation of the site and substantially improved our understanding of historical processes and social dynamics.

Konstantina Saliari obtained her BA and MA in Archaeology at the University of Athens. She completed her PhD at the University of Vienna, focusing on archaeozoology, and she is now employed by the Museum of Natural History Vienna. She has participated in numerous archaeological excavations and scientific conferences.

‘The zooarchaeological assemblage and its analysis are invaluable in discussion of the site and its residents: such close and ‘uncontaminated’ evidence is, after all, very rare for an early medieval settlement. One interesting aspect to highlight is the detailed morphometric analysis of cattle populations which suggests that local rather than regional animal populations were exploited. Overall, Salieri here offers a strong and informative study of a fairly unique assemblage via a wide range of zooarchaeological methods, integrating historical sources where possible.’ Nora M Batterman, Medieval Archaeology, Volume 63 (2), 2019

‘This work exceeds by far the usual standard of archaeozoological analysis. It is really profound.’ Dr Erich Pucher, Natural History Museum Vienna

‘Could contribute greatly - it covers a little known area and time period, and very interesting faunal material.’ Dr Günther Karl Kunst, University of Vienna

‘The author’s new approach to the reconstruction of cattle breeds is pathbreaking for future research of this type. ... The results and the basic data provided are of eminent interest, especially for osteoarchaeologists working on medieval topics over the whole of Europe.’ Dr Kerstin Pasda, Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg

Table of Contents (S2892_9781407316376_ToC.pdf, 175 Kb) [Download]

Introduction (S2892_9781407316376_Introduction.pdf, 6,873 Kb) [Download]