Die Isle of Man besitzt außergewöhnlich viele und interessante 'Wikingergräber', von reich ausgestatteten Schiffs- und Hügelgräbern zu einfachen Flachbestattungen. Doch während über 150 Jahren altertumskundlicher Forschung sind etliche nur schlecht dokumentiert oder schwer zugänglich publiziert, so daß ein fundierter Einblick kaum zu erlangen ist. Die Publikation stellt alle derzeit bekannten 'Wikingergräber' der Isle of Man vor (einschließlich umfangreicher Bebilderung) und analysiert ihre Funde, Befunde und Kontexte.
The Isle of Man boasts a large number of Viking graves: Richly furnished boat and mound graves as well as simple interments. But during about 150 years of research not a few of them remained poorly documented and poorly accessible, so a well-founded overview was hard to obtain. This publication presents all Viking graves in the Isle of Man known today (including extensive illustrations) and an analysis of their objects and contexts. [Text in German; with short English summary]REVIEW
‘…its real value lies in the catalogue of the thirty-seven known or postulated sites of the graves and a table of their contents, together with line reproductions of the finds - set out by type, with parallels from various sources - and a broadly-based bibliography… The summaries of the sites - ordered alphabetically - are arranged alphabetically and easy to use. All this is extremely valuable and time-saving…This is a very useful book, which will be much used as a source of primary reference;…’ David M. Wilson, Isle of Man Studies Vol. XIV 2016