The set of 3 volumes (this book, together with S1941 and S2441) aims to provide a comprehensive catalogue of Peruvian Pottery Figurines, from their first appearance around 3,500 BC to the Spanish conquest in the 16th century. The figurines are described in detail and classified by region, chronologically, and set within the different cultures to which they belong.
AUTHORAlexandra Morgan lived in Peru for four years in the mid-1970s. Having studied history at Geneva University, she obtained a PhD in Pre-Columbian Archaeology at the Institute of Archaeology, University College, London, with a dissertation on Peruvian Pottery Figurines.
‘Más que un catálogo razonado, es un formidable instrumento de trabajo… Es el resultado de un largo y notable trabajo de colecta, compilación y análisis hecho por Alexandra Morgan (doctora en arqueología precolombina de la University College London), a partir de una muy abundante documentación publicada o inédita (cerca de 400 títulos en la bibliografía de este volumen), así como de las referencias a muy numerosos museos (68 museos para este volumen) y colecciones privadas del mundo entero (18 para este volumen).’ Vincent Chamussy, Americae, 2, 2017
‘More than a reasoned catalog, it is a formidable instrument of work,… . It is the result of a long and remarkable collection, compilation and analysis work done by Alexandra Morgan (doctor in pre-Columbian archeology of the University College London), from a very abundant published or unpublished documentation (about 400 titles in the bibliography of this volume), as well as references to many museums (68 museums for this volume) and private collections from around the world (18 for this volume).’ Vincent Chamussy, Americae, 2, 2017