Esta publicación incluye todos los datos recientes recuperados en El castro (Pendia) durante las campañas arqueológicas desarrolladas entre 2003 y 2013. Por esta razón, el libro reúne un amplio abanico de temas que incluyen:- El estudio de las arquitecturas perecederas.- Otros estudios acerca de las arquitecturas del castro: por ejemplo la defensiva o la del recinto norte.- El desarrollo urbano del poblado, entre la Edad del Hierro y la época romana.- Las actividades textiles en Pendia. En este capítulo los estudios de género y la arqueología de las households tienen un papel crucial. El estudio está basado en el análisis espacial de las pesas de telar recuperadas en las excavaciones.- Por último es la primera revisión de la información arqueológica proporcionada por el Dr. Antonio García y Bellido sobre el sitio tras la excavación de 1941. This book includes all the recent data recovered from the hillfort of Pendia during the archaeological campaigns undertaken between 2003 and 2013. The publication thus gathers together a huge range of material, including:- Iron Age perishable architecture: a complete overview of all the finds from the hillfort.- Other studies about the architecture of the hillfort, such as the defensive walls and the entrance to the northern enclosure.- A survey of the urban development of the hillfort, from the Iron Age to Roman times.- Textile activities in Pendias hillfort, with a focus on gender studies and household archaeology. This study is based on a spatial analysis of the loom weights that were found in the hillfort.- The first revision of the archaeological information on this site provided by Dr Antonio García y Bellido in 1941.
Doctor en Historia y profesor asociado de Prehistoria en la Universidad de Oviedo, de la que también fue becario predoctoral. Durante su formación compaginó la dirección técnica del castro de Pendia, con la arqueología de gestión o con la colaboración en proyectos de investigación como el de las Minas prehistóricas del Aramo. Fernando Rodríguez del Cueto is a Doctor in History and Part-Time Assistant Lecturer at the University of Oviedo, where he has also held a fellowship. As part of his academic training he directed the field research at the Pendia hillfort. He has worked in commercial archaeology and on research projects such as the Prehistoric Copper Mines of el Aramo.
‘This work is highly original since it provides the first overview on the castro of Pendia (Asturias) and offers valuable contributions to the wider understanding of hillforts in northern Spain and beyond...[It] includes a large amount of original data which was previously unpublished or disperse, including the results of years of excavations in which the author played a fundamental role...This detailed study of Pendia offers new insights into the architecture and daily life of one of the best-researched hillforts of northern Iberia...The information contained in the book is potentially attractive to all scholars working on Iron Age Europe.’ Dr Manuel Fernández-Götz, University of Edinburgh
‘This work is entirely original as it is based on extensive excavations at Pendia. These are placed within the wider context of western Asturian castros, again entirely new. … [The data are] of great value to the subject area as few western Asturian castros have seen any excavation.’ Prof. Gary Lock, Kellogg College, University of Oxford